
Over the years, support has gone towards

Website hosting has been a gift from a friend of mine, for what now feels like almost forever. I'm not even sure how long it's been – at least since 2004 (before YouTube).

At this point, however, the main expense is really my time. Donations free me up to spend more time creating Biblical Hebrew resources, hopefully to help us all enjoy exploring the Scriptures a bit more. And the Scriptures really is the main point of this whole project.

In the Scriptures, God speaks. The Scriptures are God’s Word, in human words. It’s written in real language, in real history, by real people. It was written for them, and it was written for us. It’s the gift of God and thus worthy of our close attention, and in it treasures abound. If I hadn't found that to be true, I wouldn't be doing this.

So, as they say in Hebrew, בְּרוּכִים הַבָּאִים “blessed are those who come” or “welcome.” Welcome aboard.

Thank you for your interest in this work.

Charles Grebe