Verb Paradigms
Note: The following documents come in both PDF and OpenOffice formats. The PDF documents can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader and the OpenOffice documents with OpenOffice. Both are free downloads. The OpenOffice documents are also fully editable but you will also need the unicode SBL Hebrew font.
This document lists the main paradigms for strong and weak verbs. The font is small (SBL Hebrew size 10) because I wanted to fit the paradigms vertically on a single page. These paradigms can be printed out or the OpenOffice version can be useful for "cuting and pasting" into other documents.
Note on "cutting and pasting": If you want to cut and paste the unicode Hebrew from OpenOffice into Microsoft Word it seems to work best if you first export the document as a Microsoft Word document (OpenOffice can export to the Microsoft Word format). Cutting and pasting directly from OpenOffice into Microsoft Word also works but I have had better success by exporting first.
As above, these are the main paradigms for the strong and weak verbs but they are displayed in the horizontal slide format used in the lectures. The font is considerably larger (SBL Hebrew size 16) and there is only one paradigm per page so they are easier to read. The color version has a dark blue background which probably works better for screen display with something like PowerPoint.
This document lists only the principal parts for the strong and weak verbs.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Developing Nations license.